Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Defining this Blog

What's this log about? What are its goals? Who is the intended audience(s)? You tell me. I don't know.

I started writing because I like to. It's helpful to me. Cathartic.

But I don't want this blog to be about me. If it's helpful to me, great. But I want it serve a purpose for someone else.

So who?

I asked Josh for his comments and suggestions on things I write. So far he's not given many. When I pressed him about some specific things I'd written, he suggested that I 1) not write anything I wouldn't want my kids to read. After all, once something's on the Net, it's taken a life of its own and one cannot know who will see it or when. Good advice. Thanks, Josh.

He also suggested that I, perhaps, just write what I want at this point and see what direction things take and how the blog evolves; perhaps comments from readers (if I ever have any) will influence my direction. More good advice.

So, for now, I think I will just write about whatever I wish. Except that I do want this blog to serve one primary purpose: should the postings here ever be read by my children, I want them to find wisdom for prosperous living. Not just economic prosperity, but spiritual, emotional, relational...the whole human experience spectrum.

Pretty ambitious, I know. But I don't always communicate effectively with my kids orally. On balance, I'm better conveying my thoughts in writing. So I want this blog to represent a legacy that I can leave my kids. A collection of important things I want to share with them and teach them. An expression of my love for them and my blessing to them.

So, there you are.

Now it will be interesting to see how (or if) I accomplish my goal.

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